The Taitung County Government has rolled out a new plastic reduction policy starting from July 1st, 2024. In line with promoting a slow economy, Taitung is encouraging people to bring their own eco-friendly reusable cups to avoid single-use plastic cups. TTPush members who bind their eco-cups through the app will not only receive a 5 NTD discount from participating stores but also an additional reward of 50 Taitung Coins (equivalent value of 5NTD) from the county government as an incentive to support plastic reduction and look after our Planet Earth.

Plastic Reduction Reward System

Many TTPush-affiliated beverage shops in Taitung are not only supporting the government’s plastic reduction policy but also actively participating in the Taitung Coins reward campaign for bringing your own eco-cup. These include DingGo Teahouse (Dongfang Dazhen, Shangxiao, Zhongxing, and Watsons stores), Aylangol Art Cafe, Donutes Cafe, Hechalou Teahouse, Macu Teahouse in Datong store, and the Cama Café in Tiehua Village as well as all 71 of the 7-ELEVEN convenience stores across Taitung.

The county estimates that this initiative could save approximately 15 million single-use plastic cups annually, translating to a reduction of about 1.8 million kilograms of carbon emissions per year.

TTPush members can earn 50 Taitung Coins by first applying through the Ministry of Finance’s E-Invoice Platform and scanning the QR code during beverage purchases to accumulate rewards (received within 48 hours of purchase). Moreover, TTPush encourages consumers to use cloud invoices, reducing paper waste while also increasing the chance of winning prizes, thereby promoting environmental sustainability.

Plastic Reduction Reward System(2)

The Taitung County Government is actively promoting a slow economy policy in solidarity with the Earth Day 2024 global theme of “Planet vs. Plastics. They’re calling on everyone to come together for the health of humanity and our planet, aiming to reduce plastic production by 60% by 2040. Ultimately, their goal is to leave a zero-plastic future for the next generation.

Plastic Reduction Reward System(1)

To learn more about TTPush’s plastic reduction policies and environmental reward details, you can access the following information: