Taitung has proactively prepared to embrace international travels through the county government’s efforts to promote a bilingual environment that is friendly to international guests. In 2020, the county government started to assist local businesses by making their businesses more accessible to foreigners by helping decorate their stores as well as providing English labeling for their packaging and merchandise. This coupled with the establishment of international volunteer organizations, international travel points, and bilingual guided tour training, all help the boost the county’s multilingual ability; so, as the global pandemic stabilizes due to higher inoculation rates and understanding of the virus, Taitung is ready to embrace international travelers with open arms.

The Taitung County Government continues to promote bilingual personnel training. The government hopes to provide interactive English courses to every level of vendor, travel industry service personnel, and public servant. These courses will provide ample speaking opportunities and help resolve real-world problems encountered due to the lack of language abilities.
Training for international volunteers began in 2020. After some recruitment and applying for the organization’s handbook to be recognized under the Volunteer Work Act. As of last year, there were a total of 24 official international volunteers. 32 individuals signed up to partake in the 2022 volunteer training courses and suitable talent will be selected through rounds of interviews to join the county’s international volunteer team.
The “Cross-generational Bilingual Training Program” is entering its third year. In the first two years of the program, 19 centers were set up within Taitung County that offer English Guided Tours and train local bilingual tour guides. More centers are scheduled to be set up all around Taitung County that will offer language training courses. Orchid Island will receive its first center where visitors will be able to experience underground homes, the island’s unique flying fish season, and Tatara (kayak). The Bilingual Training Program Centers are interesting and exciting. It is well worth recommending to your international friends to come and experience the true Taitung.
Regarding the bilingual environment in Taitung, the Venue Refurbishing Bilingual Mentoring Program is also entering its third year. The first two years showed positive and fruitful results. Unique and special local vendors were first scouted. Then through upgrading their storefront, brand image, packaging, and making the environment bilingual friendly, many long-standing reputable shops became internationally recognized. Improving their service and English abilities also attracted foreigners to visit, promoting the local economy and making an accessible bilingual travel destination.
The mentorship program will focus on two areas this year: Upgrading Taitung Specialty Vendors’ Storefront and Mentoring the Design and Packaging of Taitung Vendors. The former will focus on providing translation for the menu and signage in the stores. Depending on the vendor’s needs, the program will also assist with vendors’ introduction, brand story, and pamphlet translation so that more international travelers will be able to get to know specialty Taitung vendors and experience the good flavors of Taitung. The ladder will assist with the translation of important information regarding gift packets so that foreigners who receive these gifts can receive a clear understanding of the contents of the gift packages.